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From Partition to Partnership: The Future of Ireland's Peace Process, Notre Dame University - November 5th 2024

From Partition to Partnership: The Future of Ireland's Peace Process, Notre Dame University - November 5th 2024

Emma visited Notre Dame University on November 5, 2024 to deliver a guest lecture titled 'From Partition to Partnership: The Future of Ireland's Peace Process'

The Good Friday Agreement is globally recognized as one of the most successful peace agreements of the last century. Its success was the culmination of decades of civic-led cross-community efforts, tilling the ground for a landslide 'Yes' vote. In this lecture Emma considered how civic society remains the backbone of the peace process today. As a new generation emerges, unburdened by the historically entrenched concepts of identity which came to define prior generations, civic society, and the young people within it, are creating a new path. This lecture explored the changing demographics and dynamics in Northern Ireland, the future of the peace process, and the prospects of a united Ireland.


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